Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Am Thankful For...

I know I’m a day late, but I feel that I need to express my appreciation for the things I have.

1. I’m eternally grateful for my Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and the gospel. They help me so much every day. I don’t know where, or how, I would be without them. And also the scriptures (D&C is my personal favorite), they teach you what you need to know and also provide you with comfort when you’re going through trying times.

Joseph Smith's First Vision

2. I am thankful for the atonement and the gift of repentance. It allows me to be forgiven for the crappy things I do… and I do A LOT of things :\

3. I’m thankful for temples and the work that is performed in them. I love knowing that we don’t have to be separated from our family after this life. Ahem, husband, whoever you are, you need to freaking hurry up!!

Birmingham Temple
Nauvoo Temple
Salt Lake City Temple
4. I’m thankful for my family, especially my parents. I have the BEST parents ever!! They are always there for me when I need them and try to build me up when I am in the dumps. Also for my brothers, even though they get on my nerves and I occasionally want to do away with them. Oh! And my cousins :D

Justin aka.Fathead


Ashley, Shariana, and Maclane

5. I’m thankful for my friends, even though some of them are flaky or act old ;) …Sharon is gonna kill me, but I can’t resist! :D






Beth, I'm SORRY!!!

Ashley Madden

Sorry Beth, it’s the only picture I have…

6. I’m thankful for the opportunity HF gave me when he put Dr. Dick in my path; that allowed me to continue in my career when all hope seemed to be lost. I seriously had exhausted all of my options in Huntsville and the surrounding areas. It was a very scary time.

7. I’m thankful for my house.

8. I’m thankful for my pups… and my future pup once I get a new job that makes good money so can fence in the back yard :)
Crack and Evie

9. I’m thankful to be out of nurse prison, it feels good… now if only I could get a hospital job in Huntsville so I can relearn a lot of the skills I forgot. Seems like sooooo much stuff!

10. I’m thankful for the great country that I live in and all the brave men and women that dedicate their lives so we can have all of the freedoms we all enjoy.

11. I am also thankfull for Alabama football... gives me something to look forward to in the fall :)


Now for things I will be thankful for in the future…

1. Husband and a family of my own.

2. A new job as an RN in a hospital, either here in Huntsville or if need be in Atlanta.

3. Whatever else HF decides he wants to give me.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Remember my challenge I sat back in like Sept? Well I am proud to anncouce that I am 9lbs lighter! YIPPIE!!

Still no hospital job. I have had some good interviews though... at least I am getting them now! Wasn't getting any for a LONG time, but thank goodness that has changed!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Do You Smell The Gator Meat??

 Ok, let me start off my saying that my boss, Dr. Dick, is the BEST! He paid for me to go to the Alabama vs. Florida game yesterday as an early birthday present. I had soooo much fun! I wanted to go so bad! It just turned out that he had to work the next morning and since is old and crusty (and generous), he couldn’t go and be able to function the next day. So he paid for the ticket for me to go. Wasn’t that sweet?!

I went with one of our patients named Gary. I was a little bit worried about that at first, but it all turned out alright. J In fact he is a really nice guy! I got to know him a little bit better and it was all good. By the way, does anyone know ay available, not crazy women around their 40s or early 50s?  Gary needs a lady ;)

Here are some of the pics that I took from our awesome seats at the game. We were near the press boxes on the west side of Bryant Denny Stadium… the non-sunny seats! YAY, nor sunburn!!

My view from our seats

Watching the Gators before they met their maker ;)

The Million Dollar Band



I sure was expecting a closer game than the slaughter that occurred. Alabama beat Florida 31-6! Who would have ever predicted that one??

Anyone in the mood for Gator gumbo?? We got plenty of Gator meat from the slaughter!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So I have decided that I am in much need of slimming down. Especially since I weigh almost as much as I did in high school, and that is not a good thing at all!! So this Sunday I started back on Weight Watchers... actually I tried to start last week and I realized how absolutely horrible my eating habits have been! It’s BAD!! So on Sunday, I started for real. I’m proud to say that I have already lost 2 pounds! Flippin awesome possum!! If I can just keep it up I’ll be set!

I know last time I did Weight Watchers was in the semester I graduated high school (in 2003) and the results were outstanding! I lost about 50lbs and I looked flippin cute! And tiny! I miss those days... I could wear stuff out of the little kids section!



So this is my new goal… I want to lose 45 lbs. I don’t have a time limit because I know if you lose the weight too quick the quicker you pack it back on too.

Another thing on my to-do-list sis to get an indoor bike with a program that adds resistance, so it will be like I am outside and going up and down hills. In fact, that is another one of my goals… hills. I would like to be able to be able to bike up Bankhead Pkwy on Monte Sano eventually. Might be a long time before I achieve that one though. That piece would be sooo hard! I don’t see how people do it. I drive up there and I see people biking up it like it’s no problem. I can’t imagine! Makes me tired just thinking about it… ;) I’d have to haul me and the bike up the mountain! Whew!

If anyone would like to join me in this challange that would be awesome! :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Have You Ever Noticed....?

That when it rains it flippin pours!!

So much stuff going on... Lately, everytime think I'm doing good and trying to improve myself or my situation, I seem to always get shot down. Its sooo FRUSTRATING!!

I wish I could have a one-on-one, in person, with Heavenly Father so I can get realtime answers. That would be so nice! :)

I thought I had a job at Huntsville Hospital on one of the neuro floors... actually I did have it until some chick that used to work on that floor, called up there and wanted her old job back. I could kick her in the face ;) I could have been making decent money again and the nurse manager was cool and it would have been awesome, but NO! GRRRRRRRRRRR! Looks like I'm still stuck in freakin Decatur! :( I would like to blow that place off the map sometimes. And it also looks like I will be purchasing a new car sooner than I wanted. There's nothing wrong with it now, but it is getting way up there in miles and its only a 2006 and has about 80,000mi. Not to mention the $300/mo it costs in gas to get over there. If I didn't have the bast parents in the whole flippin world I wouldn't be able to make it... not just monetarily (though that's the main reason) but also they are a lot of support. They are troopers; they have to hear all of my whining. Be glad you're not them ;)

UAH is being difficult too. I don't know what to to about that... we'll have to see.

And then Blue Cross Blue Shield is GAY! I need to have a couple of procedures done on my legs and because I got the doctor I work for to write me an order for compression stockings (so my legs don't kill me by the end of the day) before I went to see the vascular surgeon I can't have them done til next flippin June! GAY!!

If only there was a rewind button... I would rewind this mess to about Feb of 2008. I would have a job in the ER at Crestwood and my stress would be 3/4 gone! If only...

One last whine.... babies= UGH!!! Why are there so many prego ladies right now?
The End!!!! (YAY!!)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pointy hat :)

The knome has her pointy hat now! YAY!! :D
Do you think she should have the streamers coming from the hat??

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vampires, Vultures and More!

I haven't been on here (at least to post) in FOREVER! Probably because there hasn't been much going on... anywhoo

In June, on the 29th, a wonderful thing happened... ELCIPSE CAME OUT! Yeah, I know that's old news now but I was sooo looking forward to it. I was date night with one of my favoritest cousins ever, Ashley :) We had a lot of fun. We went out to eat and got to theater by 9pm. There was already a really big line when we got there, but by the time they started loading the theaters the line was out the door and in the parking lot. We saw a knome while waiting in line... you don't see those everyday :P


Two views of the knome! The only thing missing was her pointy hat....

My friend, Ashley Madden, and her mom and friend, Leah, also went. Unfortunately we couldn't get in the same showing :(

Ashley and I waiting in line

In the theater waiting on the show to come on... and wishing the teenagers beside us would flippin shut up! :)

I still want an Edward... if not THE Edward.... And I still don't like Jacob the Instigator. And I still think they should have gotten rid of Taylor Lautner after Twilight. He is a CRAPPY actor and he doesn't fit the part... He's not flippin tall enough either nor does he look old enough! Edward is supposed to be like 3 0r 4 inches shorter than him and its just not working... 5'8" doesn't quite pass for 6'7". AND he's supposed to look about 27yrs old and Taylor looks about 15. Did I mention that he was a crappy actor??

Anyway next order of business... Vultures.

So there is a lady at work who likes to hover over people, especially me, to make sure that they get their work done. I don't really know why she feels that she has to do this stuff? She is not even employed by our company (we have 2 companies working in the same building right now) and I do get my work done! So I have started calling her The Vulture... and so has everyone else in the office. While she was at lunch the other day I secured a picture of Vultures on her computer for just just emergencies that I need to get under her skin in some way... I can put the piture on her desktop to toture her..... hehehehehehehe!!! >:) Here is the new desktop photo that will be posted if I have to...

Can you imagine coming back from lunch and this is the first thing you see when you get back to your computer?! It would be flippin awesome! Oh! And I found a plastic vulture figurine on Ebay that would make a perfect hood ornament for her car :)

And I saw this CD at Target the other day and I couldn't help myself >:) ....I wonder what their music sounds like?? It better not be: "Cyndi, answer the phone" or "This chart needs to be taken back to Miranda" or "Why does Cyndi aways ignore me?" Answer: because you're not my flippin boss and I don't have to! Dang it! Dude get over it! And God gave you 2 arms and legs for a reason! Use them!!! Take your own dang chart back!

The other day the people at our office actually got go out to lunch... such a great day when you get to get out of the freakin office! We went to BridgeStreet and ate at P.F. Changs, which by the way was great! I got the most awesome and appropriate fortune ever... I really hope it comes true with the quickness in the form of a job at a hospital!!

When we were on our way back to the car, after drooling over the Macs at the Apple store we were walking past the splash pad and saw this little kid. I thought It was funny and had to get a pic of it :P It just looks so wrong!

Friday, June 18, 2010


My Yahoo! account got hacked today... thus my Facebook doesn't work and I can't check my email!. I am goin flippin nuts!!!!!!! What did we do before email and Facebook?!?!?! I got like 7 phone calls from differnt people in my email list telling me that I had been mugged and robbed at gunpoint in London and that I needed $1500 wired to me ASAP.... MAN! I wish I knew I was on London. I would really enjoy that! Wouldn't really wanna be mugged though... so if any of you get an email from some aol email address that starts with a b... or something I think, DO NOT OPEN IT!!!! Just so you know...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just Breathe...

Oh, how I LOVE my new inhaler! I can actually do physical activies without my airway swelling closed and the feeling of death looming over me! YAY for Combivent!

Maybe now I can loose the blubber :D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

So I am officially in LOVE!!

So I am officially in LOVE!! No, its not a guy... though I get harrassed about that subject numerous times a day.

There is a house that I have been admiring for a number of years and recently it has gone up for sale. It is located in Huntsville's historic Twickenham district; such a beautiful peaceful neighborhood. :) I went there recently to take a gander at it... and the rest is history.

Only one catch, its $549,900. Anyone know any single doctors? Preferrably specialists... they make more money ;) Or any single lawyers? Or any single guys that are not super old and crusty and have a lot of money? Hehehehe....

613 Randolph Ave.

That Mississippi State flag would be the first to go, but as far as I can tell that's the only flaw. At least it hasn't been contaminated by a disgusting Auburn flag... *puke!* I think it needs a gorgeous crimson flag floating in the breeze.... :}

This is the super sexy front porch. I love porches!

This is what you see when you first walk in the door

I LOVE the wood work in here. Its big and chucky and has lots of square, clean lines... classic :)

This kitchen is not the biggest in the world, bit it was set up well and its flippin beautiful!

It even has the apron front sink like I want :)

The downstairs bathroom


Bedroom number one... it has TWO closets

Look at all the storage!

It has a precious basement too... with even more storage!

The closet in the Master bedroom... HUGE!

Master bedroom

Master Bathroom... who has a TV in the bathroom? Seems a little extreme to me...
Ahem, Donations will be accepted. Please make checks payable to Cyndi McGahee ;) Just kidding! But I'm not kidding about the single doctor or lawyer though.