Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Time for Change

I have been doing alot of thinking and I'm thinking its time for a change. I really feel like I'm in a rut lately. My mind is wasting away and I feel like I'm totally losing all of nursing skills. I really want a job in Huntsville, but if I don't have a job here by at least September or November I might be putting my house on the market and relocating.
Here are the choices:

The New York of the South... ATLANTA!!! I LOVE this city!!!!!!!

OR Utah.... Prob Salt Lake City :) I would like to surrounded by more LDS people anyway. I just wish winters were shorter and it didn't snow.

Maybe I will join the military (Air Force) and work as a nurse there.

I can't afford to stay here if something doesn't happen soon. I hope the other places aren't as hard...