Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things To Look Forward To :)

1. New Moon comes out on Blu-Ray March 20th! Sweet!!! Rob Pattinson in full HD I can't flippin wait!! I feel a girls night comin on with my 2 favorite cousins, Ashley and Shariana :}

2. The Ataris are coming to Huntsville! They are gonna be at Crossroads... even if I have to go by myslef I'm gonna go. Should be lots of fun! :)

3. June is fast approaching! YAY!! Anyone have the hook up at Huntsville Hospital or Crestwood??

4. Another Exciting thing about June....... ECLIPSE!!! WOOHOO!! That would be on June 30th and thus another girls night with the 2 favorite cousins :}

5. October is supposed to be the month Summit starts recording Breaking Dawn! PS. for those that haven't already heard, they are making 2 GLORIOUS movies out of it... AND that was my favorite book so it makes it even better!