Sunday, April 11, 2010

So I am officially in LOVE!!

So I am officially in LOVE!! No, its not a guy... though I get harrassed about that subject numerous times a day.

There is a house that I have been admiring for a number of years and recently it has gone up for sale. It is located in Huntsville's historic Twickenham district; such a beautiful peaceful neighborhood. :) I went there recently to take a gander at it... and the rest is history.

Only one catch, its $549,900. Anyone know any single doctors? Preferrably specialists... they make more money ;) Or any single lawyers? Or any single guys that are not super old and crusty and have a lot of money? Hehehehe....

613 Randolph Ave.

That Mississippi State flag would be the first to go, but as far as I can tell that's the only flaw. At least it hasn't been contaminated by a disgusting Auburn flag... *puke!* I think it needs a gorgeous crimson flag floating in the breeze.... :}

This is the super sexy front porch. I love porches!

This is what you see when you first walk in the door

I LOVE the wood work in here. Its big and chucky and has lots of square, clean lines... classic :)

This kitchen is not the biggest in the world, bit it was set up well and its flippin beautiful!

It even has the apron front sink like I want :)

The downstairs bathroom


Bedroom number one... it has TWO closets

Look at all the storage!

It has a precious basement too... with even more storage!

The closet in the Master bedroom... HUGE!

Master bedroom

Master Bathroom... who has a TV in the bathroom? Seems a little extreme to me...
Ahem, Donations will be accepted. Please make checks payable to Cyndi McGahee ;) Just kidding! But I'm not kidding about the single doctor or lawyer though.