Monday, August 11, 2014

The older I get...

WARNING: This is a rant. I can't post this on Facebook and my usual unfortunate people are not available to rant to at the moment, so y'all get to hear/see it instead. :)

I think the older I get the more cynical and hateful I have become. I'm serious, like REALLY hateful... and stingy. I really should have stayed ignorant of politics and what's going on in the world of outside my happy little bubble of my life.

#1 Rant: We have a moron for a president!!! He is the last person we EVER needed to elect as president. LIES!! Smooth talker, and can make people believe him because he knows how to twist his words. To me, a traitor. Fraternizing with the enemy. 2016 needs to come with the quickness, or he can be impeached. Not killed; if that happened he would be almost considered a saint or a martyr. Anyway, he gets on my nerves and has messed up more than fixed. Yes, I know he's not the only one making decisions for the country. Congress sucks too. They're all corrupt. All of DC needs t be cleaned out and start over again from scratch. Pay needs to be cut. They should only make what the average US citizen makes and only get paid when they are meeting, which is not all the time. The pension should go away too. The should be working for the people, not for their own personal gain and their own personal agenda. They should also be stripped of their Blue Cross Federal. They should have to have their "lovely" Obamacare crap too. Maybe then they would feel more compelled to change it back to the way it was before, or change it to where it actually works.

#2 Rant: The Affordable Care Act has ruined healthcare!! You do not even want to get me started on this... I could go ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON!!!!! This law is so effed up. Like I said earlier, people that work for the federal government (president, congress, and senate) should be stripped of their Blue Cross Federal, which by the way, is a the Rolls Royce of insurance. They should have to have their "lovely" Obamacare crap too. If they were making the same pay as an average citizen, then they would feel the financial burden that most of the rest of the US is experiencing. Maybe then they would feel more compelled to change it back to the way it was before, or change it to where it actually works. I don't quite think its fair for person to get a decent plan for next to nothing, while other people who don't qualify for the subsidy and can't afford a decent plan has to settle for the crappiest plan in the history of the world... $6300 deductible for an individual or $12600 for a family. WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING INSURANCE?!?!? It's BS! Coverage has plummeted and premiums have doubled and tripled. Like $1500/mo premium for a family for a plan that used to be the bronze (lowest) plan. The only thing it really covers is birth control... FREE BIRTH CONTROL FOR EVERYONE!!! Oh, AND KILLING KIDS IS COVERED TOO, but that's pretty much it. I had a patient a few weeks ago who didn't have insurance because he couldn't afford it and he made too much for a subsidy. He came to the hospital and had several things going on. The major things were that he needed back surgery something fierce and he gave himself kidney damage from taking so my OTC ibuprofen and Norcos to try to get rid f the pain from the spondylolisthesis that needs to be repaired. It's a vicious cycle of fail, and it shouldn't be that way. If he had been able to actually afford the insurance offered by the "AFFORDABLE" Care Act this situation and huge hospital bill could have been avoided. If you couldn't afford insurance before, you definitely can't now!

#3 Rant: Illegal aliens. The border needs to be closed with really strict laws against immigration and dumping of kids. There are so many people that are CITIZENS of this country that need help. I'd like to see what would happen if I went to one of the countries and started having kids and relied on the rest of the public to support me and my kids that I can't afford and mooched off their system... I bet I wouldn't be very welcomed either. I would also be expected to learn the language and wouldn't be able to have everything translated for me. I'd probably get shot or something. DHHS only has so much money to handle them. Where are you going to place these several thousand kids??? They also come here with several illnesses that we don't have in the US anymore. I bet some parents are wishing that they'd vaccinated their kids now. <<< This is a whole other rant that I'm not getting into because I don't feel like starting a huge mommy war.

#4 Rant: Extremist Muslims. I wish they would get wiped off the face of the Earth. They are terrible people.

#5 Rant: Always having to be Politically Correct because of overly sensitive pansies. Its ridiculous!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Here we go again.....

So, I have gotten a lot of crazy people responding to my "Soapbox" post from 2012. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but no need to attack someone when they are just expressing theirs. I don't go on pro-abortion sites and tell them they are wrong, they need to do their research, and get some morals. I wish I could, but it would, seriously, start a war. Let me just say this is MY blog and MY opinions! If I wanted opinions from the opposing side I would ask for it. I haven't asked, so therefore I don't really care. Please keep ALL negative/opposing comments to yourself.

I am posting another post on this same topic, just because I feel it needs to be done. You can watch it if you want. If you don't agree with what I am presenting, please feel free to leave the page.

Mull this around in your head for a while, and think if you would REALLY be ok with this... Could you really live with this decision? Put yourself in the baby's shoes. Yes, I said BABY because that's what it is! A living baby with a heartbeat, blood flowing through tiny veins, and body parts (like you and I have) that just aren't fully developed yet. And you know what? Your aren't technically fully developed until you're an adult.

 I am pro adoption. If you don't want or are unable to take care of a child give it up for adoption to someone that can and will. Let that child have a shot at life, just like you were given. The end!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Soapbox… Caution: Its Graphic!!

So my boyfriend and I got into this conversation about abortion (it’s a very controversial, I know) and he has some very different views than I do. He's super duper liberal and he calls himself a "progressive." Sometimes being progressive isn't actually progress at all in my eyes. He is all for abortion and I can't even fathom the thought. Anyway, I was sitting here tonight, thinking about the subject after I saw an anti-abortion promotion on Facebook. This enticed me to look up more on the subject. While searching, I found a website that was very graphic in the description of the possible ways of abortion along with pictures of the aborted fetuses.

The first picture is of a 9 week gestation aborted fetus. It has eyes, fingers, toes, its eye lids are sensitive to touch, and it will bend fingers around an object placed in their palm. You can even see the ribs and spinal cord. Looks like a baby to me… not just a bunch of cells.

The way that abortions are done is so violent as well. Can you imagine the kind of pain these kids feel? Can you imagine being in the womb and seeing/feeling this foreign object coming towards you and how scared you would be?

One of the methods is vacuum aspiration where they stick tube with a sharp blade at the end and cut the fetus up and vacuum it out.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C) is another method. In this method the cervix is dilated and the fetus is chopped up and removed.

In WWII the Nazis developed salt poisoning for use in concentration camps. A syringe of a super salty substance in injected into the uterus and into the amniotic sac where the fetus SWALLOWS and BREATHES in the highly salted amniotic fluid and dies within an hour. The mother delivers the dead fetus within 1-2 days.

There is also the hysterectomy abortion where the umbilical cord is cut in utero and the fetus is allowed to die before it is removed with the same procedure as a caesarian section. This is used for babies that are late term or within the 3 trimester.

Dilation and Extraction is another method. In this method the cervix is dilated and the fetus is grabbed by the feet and dragged out. Just before the head comes out the spinal cord is severed and the brains are vacuumed out, collapsing the skull allowing the head to be removed easily. This is also known as a partial birth abortion.

Another, and perhaps the worst, is the live birth abortion. With the live birth abortion labor is induced and the mother gives birth to a LIVE child. The child is then taken to the dirty utility room at a hospital and left to die. How cruel can you be, really?

This is a video from a nurse that worked at a hospital in Illinios and assisted with live birth abortions. She speaks out about the barbaric pratices. The clip is actually an Anti-Obama campaign, but that's not what I'm using it for... simply to tell the story of these poor, defenseless children.

I really don't understand how this isn't murder. And considering all of the people that can't have children and want them, why not give the unwanted child up for adoption? In my opinion, unless child bearing or pregnancy is a danger to the mother's life, no life should be aborted. I don't know how much good my rant will do, if any, but it makes me feel better. I also know that, as a healthcare professional, I would most definitely NOT feel comfortable assisting in these procedures!

End rant.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just a thought...

Today Ryan had me take the Meyers-Briggs personality test. I turned out to be an INTJ. Traits of an INTJ include:

·         Able to absorb extremely complex theoretical and complex material

·         Driven to create order and structure from theoretical abstractions

·         Supreme strategists

·         Future-oriented

·         See the global, "big picture"

·         Strong insights and intuitions, which they trust implicitly

·         Value their own opinions over others

·         Love difficult theoretical challenges

·         Bored when dealing with mundane routine

·         Value knowledge and efficiency

·         Have no patience with inefficiency and confusion

·         Have very high standards for performance, which they apply to themselves most strongly

·         Reserved and detached from others

·         Calm, collected and analytical

·         Extremely logical and rational

·         Original and independent

·         Natural leaders, but will follow those they can fully support

·         Creative, ingenious, innovative, and resourceful

·         Work best alone, and prefer to work alone

Possible Career Path for the INTJ:

·         Scientist

·         Engineers

·         Professor/Teachers

·         Medical Doctor or Dentist

·         Corporate Strategists and Organizational Builders

·         Business Administrator or Manager

·         Military Leader

·         Lawyer or Attorney

·         Judges

·         Computer Programmer or Systems Analyst

This fits me to a tee. Kind of scary, actually. I also got me thinking about my career choice. For a long time, I haven't necessarily been as happy as I thought I would be with my choice to become a nurse. I enjoy the analytical side more than the nurturing side; meaning that I enjoy figuring out what is wrong and putting the pieces together more than I do being a cheerleader and "emotional support" that the typical nurse does. Not to mention the politics and mud-slinging that goes along with it. I thought I would really enjoy nursing, especially being a floor nurse, but it has turned out to not be the case. I feel that I should have bitten bullet and become a doctor. I would just now be getting done with school and be up to my ears in debt, but think it would suit me better. So, for now I am compromising. I have decided to go back to school and become a CRNP (Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner). I will be able to do a lot of the same things a doctor can do outside of performing surgery and writing prescriptions for narcotics. Maybe later I can go back and do the doctor thing. Of course, this will be after 5 chemistry classes (including biochemistry) and 2 physics classes (w/o calculus of course). I think I would enjoy the forensic side more than anything else. If I were to go back to Med School I would like to be a Forensic Pathologist and do autopsies to figure out how people died. I guess I'm twisted like that... :) AND Dr. G Medical Examiner is one of my all time favorite shows!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Blog

I created a new blog to chronicle my attempts a losing weight. The url is Be gentle. Please. :}

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Job Awesomeness

So I got a new job yesterday!

This job is going to be AWESOME!! I will be working from home, doing insurance review. My official title is Utilization Review Nurse. I get paid more to work at home and not have to deal with crappy managers and/or picky family members, and not to mention less politics... Who could ask for more? Who wouldn't be happy about being able to work in their PJs everyday? Needless to say, I am super duper excited! Another bonus, I get to go to Las Vegas for training. We'll have classes from like 8am-4pm and then the rest of the day is MINE! Vacation?? Yes, well, partially. It gets me out of Alabama for a while.

I don't start til September but I have already bought my new desk and it is BEAUTIFUL (and reasonably priced *BONUS*)!!  I haven't actually picked it up yet, or I would post a picture. When I get it, I will :)


Thursday, April 19, 2012

I know I shouldn't, but...

I know I shouldn't, but I am super jealous of all these people that have been getting engaged lately. Dude... makes me kinda feel like an old loser. Less desirable. Ugh. I need to quit now before I start with the word vomit and no one wants that. Anyway, lets just say I'm jealous and pissed and hurt. The end.