Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So I have decided that I am in much need of slimming down. Especially since I weigh almost as much as I did in high school, and that is not a good thing at all!! So this Sunday I started back on Weight Watchers... actually I tried to start last week and I realized how absolutely horrible my eating habits have been! It’s BAD!! So on Sunday, I started for real. I’m proud to say that I have already lost 2 pounds! Flippin awesome possum!! If I can just keep it up I’ll be set!

I know last time I did Weight Watchers was in the semester I graduated high school (in 2003) and the results were outstanding! I lost about 50lbs and I looked flippin cute! And tiny! I miss those days... I could wear stuff out of the little kids section!



So this is my new goal… I want to lose 45 lbs. I don’t have a time limit because I know if you lose the weight too quick the quicker you pack it back on too.

Another thing on my to-do-list sis to get an indoor bike with a program that adds resistance, so it will be like I am outside and going up and down hills. In fact, that is another one of my goals… hills. I would like to be able to be able to bike up Bankhead Pkwy on Monte Sano eventually. Might be a long time before I achieve that one though. That piece would be sooo hard! I don’t see how people do it. I drive up there and I see people biking up it like it’s no problem. I can’t imagine! Makes me tired just thinking about it… ;) I’d have to haul me and the bike up the mountain! Whew!

If anyone would like to join me in this challange that would be awesome! :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Have You Ever Noticed....?

That when it rains it flippin pours!!

So much stuff going on... Lately, everytime think I'm doing good and trying to improve myself or my situation, I seem to always get shot down. Its sooo FRUSTRATING!!

I wish I could have a one-on-one, in person, with Heavenly Father so I can get realtime answers. That would be so nice! :)

I thought I had a job at Huntsville Hospital on one of the neuro floors... actually I did have it until some chick that used to work on that floor, called up there and wanted her old job back. I could kick her in the face ;) I could have been making decent money again and the nurse manager was cool and it would have been awesome, but NO! GRRRRRRRRRRR! Looks like I'm still stuck in freakin Decatur! :( I would like to blow that place off the map sometimes. And it also looks like I will be purchasing a new car sooner than I wanted. There's nothing wrong with it now, but it is getting way up there in miles and its only a 2006 and has about 80,000mi. Not to mention the $300/mo it costs in gas to get over there. If I didn't have the bast parents in the whole flippin world I wouldn't be able to make it... not just monetarily (though that's the main reason) but also they are a lot of support. They are troopers; they have to hear all of my whining. Be glad you're not them ;)

UAH is being difficult too. I don't know what to to about that... we'll have to see.

And then Blue Cross Blue Shield is GAY! I need to have a couple of procedures done on my legs and because I got the doctor I work for to write me an order for compression stockings (so my legs don't kill me by the end of the day) before I went to see the vascular surgeon I can't have them done til next flippin June! GAY!!

If only there was a rewind button... I would rewind this mess to about Feb of 2008. I would have a job in the ER at Crestwood and my stress would be 3/4 gone! If only...

One last whine.... babies= UGH!!! Why are there so many prego ladies right now?
The End!!!! (YAY!!)