Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Am Thankful For...

I know I’m a day late, but I feel that I need to express my appreciation for the things I have.

1. I’m eternally grateful for my Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and the gospel. They help me so much every day. I don’t know where, or how, I would be without them. And also the scriptures (D&C is my personal favorite), they teach you what you need to know and also provide you with comfort when you’re going through trying times.

Joseph Smith's First Vision

2. I am thankful for the atonement and the gift of repentance. It allows me to be forgiven for the crappy things I do… and I do A LOT of things :\

3. I’m thankful for temples and the work that is performed in them. I love knowing that we don’t have to be separated from our family after this life. Ahem, husband, whoever you are, you need to freaking hurry up!!

Birmingham Temple
Nauvoo Temple
Salt Lake City Temple
4. I’m thankful for my family, especially my parents. I have the BEST parents ever!! They are always there for me when I need them and try to build me up when I am in the dumps. Also for my brothers, even though they get on my nerves and I occasionally want to do away with them. Oh! And my cousins :D

Justin aka.Fathead


Ashley, Shariana, and Maclane

5. I’m thankful for my friends, even though some of them are flaky or act old ;) …Sharon is gonna kill me, but I can’t resist! :D






Beth, I'm SORRY!!!

Ashley Madden

Sorry Beth, it’s the only picture I have…

6. I’m thankful for the opportunity HF gave me when he put Dr. Dick in my path; that allowed me to continue in my career when all hope seemed to be lost. I seriously had exhausted all of my options in Huntsville and the surrounding areas. It was a very scary time.

7. I’m thankful for my house.

8. I’m thankful for my pups… and my future pup once I get a new job that makes good money so can fence in the back yard :)
Crack and Evie

9. I’m thankful to be out of nurse prison, it feels good… now if only I could get a hospital job in Huntsville so I can relearn a lot of the skills I forgot. Seems like sooooo much stuff!

10. I’m thankful for the great country that I live in and all the brave men and women that dedicate their lives so we can have all of the freedoms we all enjoy.

11. I am also thankfull for Alabama football... gives me something to look forward to in the fall :)


Now for things I will be thankful for in the future…

1. Husband and a family of my own.

2. A new job as an RN in a hospital, either here in Huntsville or if need be in Atlanta.

3. Whatever else HF decides he wants to give me.