Friday, February 7, 2014

Here we go again.....

So, I have gotten a lot of crazy people responding to my "Soapbox" post from 2012. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but no need to attack someone when they are just expressing theirs. I don't go on pro-abortion sites and tell them they are wrong, they need to do their research, and get some morals. I wish I could, but it would, seriously, start a war. Let me just say this is MY blog and MY opinions! If I wanted opinions from the opposing side I would ask for it. I haven't asked, so therefore I don't really care. Please keep ALL negative/opposing comments to yourself.

I am posting another post on this same topic, just because I feel it needs to be done. You can watch it if you want. If you don't agree with what I am presenting, please feel free to leave the page.

Mull this around in your head for a while, and think if you would REALLY be ok with this... Could you really live with this decision? Put yourself in the baby's shoes. Yes, I said BABY because that's what it is! A living baby with a heartbeat, blood flowing through tiny veins, and body parts (like you and I have) that just aren't fully developed yet. And you know what? Your aren't technically fully developed until you're an adult.

 I am pro adoption. If you don't want or are unable to take care of a child give it up for adoption to someone that can and will. Let that child have a shot at life, just like you were given. The end!

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